Sunday, September 25, 2011


Aria  Santa
          This reading Aria was a intresting and somewhat sad reading.  The child was a Spanish boy growing up in a mostly white area and going to school in a white school where the kids spoke English. Richard had a hard time adapating to the new lanaguage and at his house him and his family spoke Spanish and liked there indivudialism of being different.  The boy was very afarid and shy in school to speak and lost out on alot of chances to adapt and succeed in the classrooom.  It was a bit frustating because Richard did not really try to make changes and adapt to speaking English and getting along at first. The teachers met with his family and wanted them to start speaking English at the home. This caused the family to seperate to a point, something they once valued of being different they had to act the same.  The family grew apart over time slowly because of the changs in the house and the lack of communcation within the house.  Richard enjoyed school more though and had chances to be successful.  It was sad because to lose a family over changing is really sad. I know that I am blessed to come from a supportive family and that well always be there for each other no matter what. I could understand what the message of this article, and it made me realize how some culutural changes people can make can tear families apart and make changes in the household, yet it can allow the people to be successful in the society.

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